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PRESS RELEASE: Circular Choices proposes strategic role for the forest-based bioeconomy sector in the 2024-2029 EU mandate

Who we are

  • The Circular Choices coalition, of which EPF is a founder member, comprises 20 EU trade associations in the wood, paper and fibre industries, commonly known in Brussels as the forest-based industries.
  • The coalition covers more than 4 million European jobs, representing €520 billion in annual turnover, sourced in Europe, made in Europe and drawing on world leading European technology.
  • The industries represented by Circular Choices today make a positive climate contribution equivalent to 20% of current EU fossil emissions with the potential to rise to 30% by 2030.

What strategic role does the coalition see for the wood, paper and fibre sector in 2024-2029?

  • The Circular Choices coalition aims to work with the EU institutions to promote the policy and market conditions necessary in the EU to scale up the circular bioeconomy that our society urgently needs.
  • Led by wood and wood-based products for construction, furniture, and other applications, and by paper and fibre for board, tissue, printed goods and packaging, with symbiotic energy recovery at the end and forestry management at the beginning, our industries focus on sustainable products and low fossil manufacturing processes to drive innovation, decarbonisation, and clean industrial growth.
  • We aim to make a leading contribution to reaching climate neutrality by 2050 and delivering sustainable prosperity and competitiveness in Europe.

Key takeaways for wood-based panels in the executive policy recommendations launched this week

  • Strengthening Europe’s industrial future: including policies to relaunch the competitiveness of Europe’s manufacturing and applying the cascading principle as per the European Commission’s 2018 guidelines.
  • Ensuring Policy Coherence for a Competitive EU Bioeconomy: including sufficient and level-playing access to primary and secondary raw materials, and to abundant and affordable clean energy.
  • Creating Quality Jobs: Including the development of skills, upskilling, and reskilling of current and future workers whilst highlighting the attractiveness of a safe and fulfilling career in our sector.

Next Steps

  • The Circular Choices coalition will continue to advocate towards the EU institutions for a pivotal role of the forest-based bioeconomy in Europe’s present and future as it has done since its creation in 2023.
  • In this context Circular Choices and its policy recommendations are fully complementary to WoodPoP’s policy paper launched last week.

 Useful Links

For further information contact EPF at

About EPF – The European Panel Federation has members in 30 European countries and represents the manufacturers of particleboard, MDF, OSB, hardboard, softboard and plywood.  The EU wood-based panels industry has an annual turnover of about 25 billion euro and creates over 100,000 jobs annually. Contact us at

Wood Policy Event, 7 November 2024, Brussels

The Wood Policy and Innovation Conference: ‘Europe’s Wood Sector as a Driver for the Green and Digital Transition of the Built Environment’ took place on 7 November in Brussels.

What happened during this full-day event (9:00 – 17:00 CET)?

  • Keynotes and panels with leading companies, policymakers and architects
  • Networking with over 150 participants, including policymakers, MEPs, European Commission experts, and advocacy groups
  • Multidimensional sessions, with speakers including EPF Vice-Chair Veronique Hoflack (Unilin Panels)
  • Afternoon session B: “Reuse, Reclaim, Recycle. Circularity approaches to reduce and valorise waste wood” co-hosted by EPF Technical Director Kris Wijnendaele on behalf of Horizon project EcoReFibre
  • The programme is available here

PRESS RELEASE: WoodPoP launches a new Policy Paper to strengthen the role of wood in Europe’s transformation

Who we are

  • The European Wood Policy Platform, WoodPoP, represents a sector that contributes >1 trillion euro of Gross Value Added, 7.1% of economic output and 17.5 million jobs to Europe.  It is Member State led and industry supported. EPF is proud to have been an active and formative member from the start in 2022.
  • The platform boosts the role of wood to mitigate climate change and to support a clean, just and competitive transformation of Europe. It aims to strengthen the wood-based circular bioeconomy with a special focus on the construction sector.
  • WoodPoP already gathers 250 experts, 45 stakeholders and industry organisations from 27 countries discussing best practice on 1 platform.

What is in the new Policy Paper

  • Entitled ‘A wood-based circular bioeconomy for a sustainable Europe’ the paper promotes green construction and innovative wood solutions.
  • The Policy Paper was launched on 6 November, at a High-Level meeting in Brussels, hosted by EU Member State Austria.
  • It is attached and available online.

 Key takeaways for wood-based panels in the new policy paper’s calls to policy makers and relevant actors:

  • To urgently make targeted policy to promote wood’s sustainable practices and to unlock the full potential of wood products in the market.
  • To develop an environment that supports circular thinking, allowing the reuse and recycling of the relevant product system and its materials.
  • To direct secondary wood to product uses following the cascading principle to maximise value-added and long-term carbon storage.
  • To create enabling political, legal, financial, structural, and socioeconomic frameworks for sustainable integrated wood-based value chains.
  • To support a sustainable wood policy at the pan-European level, meeting our needs today and in the future.

Next Steps

  • The Policy Paper will now be shared with policymakers.
  • The Policy Paper is open to all those wishing to learn from or exchange with the collective experience of WoodPoP’s specialists.
  • WoodPoP will continue to advance the sustainable use of wood in groups on Governance, Building, Innovation, Communication and Skills.

For further information contact EPF at, or visit the WoodPoP website

Report: Successful Conclusion of the 13th European Wood-Based Panel Symposium 2024

Successful Conclusion of the 13th European Wood-Based Panel Symposium 2024

Mark Your Calendar for the Next Symposium on 14-16 October 2026

Brussels, 30 October 2024

The 13th European Wood-Based Panel Symposium, held from 9-11 October 2024 in Hamburg, successfully gathered experts, researchers, and industry leaders from across the globe. The biennial event provided a platform for insightful presentations and discussions, with a high-level quality programme and speakers, as well as for networking opportunities within the wood-based panel industry.

The full Report on the 13th EWBPS 2024 is available here.


PRESS RELEASE: 13th European Wood-Based Panel Symposium 2024 celebrates record attendance

Brussels, 25 October 2024

The 13th European Wood-Based Panel Symposium, held from 9-11 October in Hamburg, welcomed a record number of delegates from over 30 countries. It successfully gathered experts, researchers, and industry leaders from across the globe. The biennial event provided a platform for insightful presentations and discussions, with a high-level quality programme and speakers, as well as for networking opportunities within the wood-based panel industry.

This year’s Symposium focused on market trends, resources, Artificial Intelligence, recycling, resins and developments that are shaping the future of WBP. 375 attendees from 30 countries across the globe had the opportunity to hear from keynote speakers, participate in panel discussions, and explore the latest developments and innovations driving the industry’s growth. 

 Highlights included:

  1. Market calls for a construction offensive, for products to meet “thin wallets, big dreams” and for the wood sector to speak as one industry in public;
  2. New techniques for recycling MDF can drive Europe towards even more carbon storage as illustrated by the 20% annual contribution reported from panels in Japan;
  3. Artificial Intelligence has arrived in process engineering including wood-based panels. It is not for tomorrow, it is for today, or rather it is already applied since yesterday;
  4. Europe leads the wood-based panels world in innovation, as shown by resins, waxes, and additives evolving at pace and according to changing demands;
  5. Sustainability is central to wood-based panels, but a lower regulatory burden and greater political support are needed for their societal contribution to be maximised.

In addition to expert presentations, the event featured an exhibition space, where companies showcased state-of-the-art technologies and cutting-edge solutions via interactive stands and posters. The organising committee led by Harald Schwab of Fraunhofer WKI and Kris Wijnendaele of EPF, in cooperation with iVTH and with the support of key sponsor HyWax GmbH, extends its heartfelt thanks to all speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, and participants for their valuable contributions, making this year’s symposium a resounding success.

Mark Your Calendar for the Next Symposium in 2026

Looking ahead, we are thrilled to announce that the next and 14th European Wood-Based Panel Symposium will take place on 14-16 October 2026, once again at the Grand Elysée Hotel in Hamburg. We kindly invite industry professionals, researchers, and relevant stakeholders to mark their calendars for what promises to be another impactful event.

About EPF – The European Panel Federation has members in 30 European countries and represents the manufacturers of particleboard, MDF, OSB, hardboard, softboard and plywood.  The EU wood-based panels industry has an annual turnover of about 25 billion euro and creates over 100,000 jobs annually. Contact us at

JOB OPPORTUNITY: EPF is hiring an Administration Officer with a talent for Communication

EPF is hiring an Administrative Officer with a talent for Communication. In this role, you will be instrumental in supporting smooth and efficient operations, performing key administrative duties, and playing an active role in communication initiatives.
Are you highly organised, skilled in communication and looking for a dynamic role?

For more details, learn more in the description below and reach out to

Application process by referencing job number 15650 via Search & Selection

PRESS RELEASE: 13th European Wood-based Panel Symposium 2024 launches with near record attendance

Hamburg, 10 October 2024

The 13th European Wood-based Panel Symposium started yesterday with a large Welcome Reception at the Grand Elysée Hotel in Hamburg, Germany. This high-level innovation, marketing and networking event will run until 11 October 2024. It is set to welcome about 370 participants from around the globe.

Organised by EPF and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research (WKI), and with the support of iVTH and Hywax, the Symposium is globally recognised as a unique biannual conference for the wood-based materials industry, its suppliers and their customers, as well as research and education institutes. In a crowded field, it has become the benchmark.

The 2024 symposium was opened this morning with an introduction of the new Managing Director of Fraunhofer WKI, Professor Raoul Klingner ahead of the first session on markets. EPF Managing Board Member and senior EGGER Director Philipp Sprockhoff delivered the keynote address on the situation of the wood-based panels industry in Europe.

Until Friday afternoon, the Symposium will again serve as a vibrant platform for attendees from across Europe and beyond, featuring presentations, panel discussions and valuable networking opportunities with peers, industry leaders and key stakeholders. The event’s diverse sessions will explore the latest market trends, challenges, and advancements within the industry. The full programme can be accessed here.

Dedicated sessions on Markets, Resources, Artificial Intelligence, Recycling, Resins and Developments will be held later during this year’s biannual symposium.

For further information on any of the above, please kindly contact EPF at or WKI at


Brussels, 25 September

EPF has co-signed a joint statement urging the European Commission to delay the entry into application of the EUDR. This delay would allow businesses to adapt and avoid risks of severe market disruptions.

➡Lack of clarity and guidance on compliance requirements
➡No user-friendly functioning EU Information System to facilitate reporting
➡Potential market disruptions threatening supply chain stability
➡7 Member States yet to designate a Competent Authority

With less than 100 days left and no clear implementation tools, European primary producers and various industries urge a delay of the entry into application of the EUDR.

The full Joint Statement is available here.

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