This year, EPF presented its Annual Report at its Annual General Meeting in Riga, Latvia.
Printed copies and USB-card are now available for purchase.
Thanks to external and internal contributions, the Annual Report contains 4 Special Topics:
This issue covers:
- Facts and figures on the WBP industries in the EPF member countries and relevant data in other parts of the world
- Maps showing the location of PB, MDF, OSB, fibreboard and plywood factories
- Country by country reports for Europe and the rest of the World
- User Industries with focus on construction, furniture and flooring materials
- Trade issues with relevant tariffs and duties for wood-based panels
- High-Level Advocacy including New European Bauhaus and Wood4Bauhaus Alliance, Circular Choices Coalition, Antwerp Declaration, Dialogue on Forest-based Bioeconomy
- Environmental Topics such as RED III, EUDR, CPR and more
- Organisation of the Federation including details of working groups and task forces
An additional booklet is provided with the Annual Report. It gathers PB, MDF, OSB, HB/SB and plywood producers affiliated to EPF, with their product specialisation and full contact details. It also gives an overview of the national EPF member associations, the associated EPF members and the institutes collaborating with EPF.