PRESS RELEASE: EPF launches a self-commitment on MDF and Plywood Recyclability

European Panel FederationNewsPRESS RELEASE: EPF launches a self-commitment on MDF and Plywood Recyclability
27 June 2024 Posted by admin News
Brussels, 27 June 2024

EPF is proud of its members’ use of recovered and recycled wood. This is part of EPF’s sustainability approach, which sees cascade use and recycling as a key contribution to resource efficiency and circular economy. This is central to wood-based panels as a role model industry.

EPF members endorsed the launch of a self-commitment on the occasion of its Annual General Assembly in Riga on 19-21 June, 2024. This reaffirms EPF member companies’ willingness to accept MDF and plywood at their wood waste management centres or within their plants.

This demonstrates EPF members’ dedication to sustainable practices, environmental responsibility and underlines that MDF and plywood are recyclable.

For further information on any of the above, please contact EPF Administration and Communications Officer Mrs Isabelle Henin: (+32 2 556 25 89).

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