EPF gives feedback to DG ENERG on the IIAs on the review of EED & the revision of RED II

European Panel FederationNewsEPF gives feedback to DG ENERG on the IIAs on the review of EED & the revision of RED II
21 September 2020 Posted by Ms Veerle Cornand News Uncategorized

The European Panel Federation (EPF), welcomes the Inception Impact Assessment on the review of the Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency and the related more ambitious targets for the reduction of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% to 55% by 2030. Enhanced energy efficiency is indeed a key objective of the Green Deal in the framework of the incoming Renovation Wave Initiative in mid-October and in our recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. The wood-based panels industry believes that it is especially essential to foster energy efficiency of the EU building stock.

Read more on EPF Feedback on the Inception Impact Assessment on EU energy efficiency directive (EED) evaluation and review

The European Panel Federation (EPF), welcomes the Inception Impact Assessment on the revision of the Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RED II). The wood-based panels industry believes that the promotion of the use of renewables and the transition towards a decarbonised European society are key to achieving the objectives of the Green Deal and ought to play a fundamental role in the post COVID-19 recovery.

Read more on EPF Feedback on the Inception Impact Assessment on the revision of the Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources

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