Brussels, 05 July 2023
EPF is delighted to announce the publication of the 25th issue of its Annual Report, the reference handbook for the wood-based panels industry.
Printed copies of the EPF Annual Report 2022/2023 + USB-card are now available for purchase at the price of 1950 EUR.
The full table of contents is available here.
EPF is delighted to provide you with the order form and wishes you excellent reading.
This issue covers:
- Facts and figures on the WBP industries in the EPF member countries and relevant data in other parts of the world
- Maps showing the location of PB, MDF, OSB, fibreboard and plywood factories
- Country by country reports
- User Industries: focus on construction, furniture and flooring materials
- Trade issues, including Customs Tariffs, updates on trade agreements, the Harmonised System and the New Combined Nomenclature
- High-Level Advocacy
- Environmental Topics
- Organisation of the Federation
Thanks to external and internal contributions, it also contains 7 Special Topics:
An additional booklet gathers PB, MDF, OSB, HB/SB and plywood producers affiliated to EPF, with their product specialisation and full contact details of the national EPF member associations, the associated EPF members and the institutes collaborating with EPF.
For further information, please contact EPF Administration and Communications Officer:
Mrs Isabelle Henin
+32 2 556 25 89