EPF is delighted to announce the programme of its AGM 2023 Open Part.
New European Bauhaus (NEB) will be the focus of this day, preceded by welcoming addresses and by the public release of the 2022 EU wood-based panel industry results and insights on EPF’s Advocacy Programme 2023.
The event will be held on Friday 23 June 2023 at the Fontán Building, Cidade da Cultura of Galicia, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, hosted by ANFTA and including the platinum sponsorship of Dieffenbacher.
The meeting will be centred on two interactive sessions:
- Roundtable 1: NEB in Buildings and Construction
- Roundtable 2: NEB in everyday life, especially furniture and trends in housing
Programme – Open Part of the EPF AGM 2023 – 23 June
Biography information on the moderators and speakers of the two roundtables